Aktív Group Kft. (E)

Aktív Group Kft.

"MOTE Kft. means reliability and flexibility for us. With having significant cost analyst experiences I would say that the most important things are the two factors above. A favourable price is nothing else but an extra only. it is the quality which is equal to the reliability and the flexibility, anf this is the most effective way of finding customers. Good news is spreading so fast.
MOTE Kft. plays a significant role in justifying our marketing strategy that '1 customer = 5 customers'. I have excellent experiences concerning the systems and furniture fittings of MOTE ALU Program."

Gruber Csaba | managing director | AKTÍV GROUP Kft.
Tel.: 1/784-0098 | www.aktivbutor.hu | info [at] aktivbutor [dot] hu

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