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Délity Bútor Zrt.
"As a manufacturer of furniture our main purpose is to make our products available as widely as possible for our customers. Therefore, our company have always played a significant role in providing high standard of quality at a reasonable price.
Since we have had MOTE Kft as our supplier we do not have to make a compromise, and we can keep our price level without detriment to the design. The most important characteristic of our company is to be flexible and quick in order managing, and the reliability of MOTE Kft makes our work much easier. So we can make our customers really satisfied with our service and, we think, no better reference needed.
Their aluminium products give a contribution of high quality to our product development, and so we can make our furniture more interesting because the warmth of wood and the brittle metal make a perfect one."
Délity József owner | Délity Bútor Zrt. | 6345 Nemesnádudvar, Petőfi S. u. 7.
Information: Szabó Zsolt | (79) 578-050, (30) 985-3599 | www.delitybutor.hu | szabozsolt [at] delitybutor [dot] hu