
Bois Bútor Kft.
Bois Bútor Kft.

"Bois as a manufacturer of furniture we follow up the latest technologies, planning styles and trends. In all cases we strive to make the highest quality furniture, be prepared to the use of modern materials. In this helps us MOTE Ltd. with a high quality, complex products.
Innovative ways unique tailored our orders, reliability and personal relations with our work facilitate.
Thank you!"


Péter Vajda | Bois Bútor Kft.
6400 Kiskunhalas, Szegedi út 8.
Tel.: +36 70 382 4724 | | bois [at] bois [dot] hu

Konyha Möbel  Kft.

"Our company sells the kitchen furniture by means of nationwide resale network. We provide wide range of products for our customers. It is essential to have two or three different types of kitchen doors with aluminium frames and glasses besides the customers' requirements for kitchen furniture of today. We continously aced the problem for a long time how to ensure this possibility. However, since we have MOTE as our supplier, this is not a problem any more. The fact, that they are flexible, punctual and offer favourable prices or have products of high quality, was the best soulitonto this problem."

Zoltán Szabó | managing director | Konyha Möbel Kft. | 4400 Nyíregyháza, Tünde u. 10/A.
Tel.: +36 42 414 565 | Mob.: +36 70 933 7663 | | szabo [dot] zoltan [at] konyhamobel [dot] hu

"As a manufacturer of furniture our main purpose is to make our products available as widely as possible for our customers. Therefore, our company have always played a significant role in providing high standard of quality at a reasonable price.

Since we have had MOTE Kft as our supplier we do not have to make a compromise, and we can keep our price level without detriment to the design. The most important characteristic of our company is to be flexible and quick in order managing, and the reliability of MOTE Kft makes our work much easier. So we can make our customers really satisfied with our service and, we think, no better reference needed.

Their aluminium products give a contribution of high quality to our product development, and so we can make our furniture more interesting because the warmth of wood and the brittle metal make a perfect one."

Délity József owner | Délity Bútor Zrt. | 6345 Nemesnádudvar, Petőfi S. u. 7.
Information: Szabó Zsolt | (79) 578-050, (30) 985-3599 | | szabozsolt [at] delitybutor [dot] hu

Forrás - Koper Kft.

"With producing and selling kitchen furniture our main purpose is to meet customers' requirements with products of high quality. To achieve this we need such partners like MOTE Kft. They always help us with new and demanding products and knowledge. They are quick, precise and efficient. With the aluminium product range of MOTE Kft we have been able to satisfy our very demanding customers. Thanks to our cooperation we can offer complex solutions for our customers, therefore we can make our clients' conceptions/ideas real. Thanks a lot."

Koromné Fried Erika | Koper Kft. | 1039 Budapest, Rákóczi út 4.
Tel.: +36 1 250 3200 | | koper [at] koper [dot] hu

Minimalart Konyhastúdió

"Our company produces unique, customized furniture. Our main purpose is to satisfy our customers and it requires favourable prices, quality of high standard and punctuality. To produce furniture of high quality with meeting the deadline we had to find suppliers who are flexible, punctual and offer favourable prices. This is why we have MOTE Kft. as one of our main suppliers with their furniture fittings and doors with aluminium frame profiles for kitchen furniture for a long time."

Molnár Gábor | Minimalart Konyhastúdió | Budapest VI. ker., Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 31. | 8400 Ajka
Tel.: 30/530-1690 | minimalartbutor [at] gmail [dot] com

Aktív Group Kft.

"MOTE Kft. means reliability and flexibility for us. With having significant cost analyst experiences I would say that the most important things are the two factors above. A favourable price is nothing else but an extra only. it is the quality which is equal to the reliability and the flexibility, anf this is the most effective way of finding customers. Good news is spreading so fast.
MOTE Kft. plays a significant role in justifying our marketing strategy that '1 customer = 5 customers'. I have excellent experiences concerning the systems and furniture fittings of MOTE ALU Program."

Gruber Csaba | managing director | AKTÍV GROUP Kft.
Tel.: 1/784-0098 | | info [at] aktivbutor [dot] hu

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